Browsing In May
by Michael Schieben
I browse a lot.
In May 2009 I visited 3252 websites.
I captured every single site and saved the date of my visit.
On this website I share my browsing with you.
I browse a lot.
In May 2009 I visited 3252 websites.
I captured every single site and saved the date of my visit.
On this website I share my browsing with you.
Timecode Help
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Browsing In May is a series of 3252 artworks.
Each artwork is available as single-copy.
The artwork consists of
If you are interested in buying please send me a mail and let me know the index number (i.e. #1290).
Find your artwork, by stepping slowly through the video. Then use the find-form.
#0023 Twitpic
#0061 Photographer Website
#0062 Photographer Website
#0067 Photographer Website
#0118 Google
#0204 Tumblr Dashboard
#0283 Twitter
#0324 (Save A New Bookmark) Delicious
#0358 Here & There (Manhattan)
#0550 Plainpicture
#0603 Bist Du Schön?
#0607 Selfportrait (Dockville Website)
#0643 Ruhrfestspiele Recklinghausen
#0665 A Photoset On Flickr
#0765 A Video On YouTube
#0887 Schauspielhaus Hamburg
#0933 Vimeo
#1061 My Tumblog
#1062 30 Jahre TAZ
#1141 Prototype.js API Documentation
#1153 Google Images
#1510 Thalia Theater
#1524 OpenFrameworks Wiki
#1556 (I Forgot The Name) Shirt Shop I
#1557 (I Forgot The Name) Shirt Shop II
#1558 (I Forgot The Name) Shirt Shop III
#1908 Untitled
#1942 Boys
#1952 Could Be VVORK
#1976 Spreeblick
#1981 Spiegel Kultur
#2090 CakePHP API
#2216 OpenProcessing (Browse Sketches)
#2255 Eyebeam
#2260 You3B
#2286 Ebay Again
#2350 Blue Millimeter Paper
#2445 A Record Shop
#2464 Image Of A Speaker
#2512 Processing Reference
#2536 jQuery Documentation
#2661 Nonsense Info Graphics (A Photoset On Flickr)
#2831 Fontshop Beta
#2881 Knitted Flowers
#2896 Grid Layout
#3065 (Another) Shirt Shop
#3070 Human Empire
#3244 My Delicious Network
I hope you enjoyed "Browsing In May".
I hereby certify that I have visited all the websites at the specified time.
Michael Schieben, 2009
built with processing
Thank you: A for all your support, The Boys for early and constant feedback, Processing for beeing such a great tool, Safari Beta for the bug that captured the websites.
Each artwork will be available as single copy print soon. Read More. Use Find Artwork to access all 3252 images.
Browsing In May